Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Fall La Roca Juniors tournament for the age group.
Boys U7 6 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 1 La Roca Juniors
Sam Thacker U7 Black
0436-02RB07-0845   n/a
 2 La Roca Juniors
Axel Luna B U7 Red
0436-02RB07-0843   Axel Luna
 3 La Roca Juniors
Armando Perez B U7 Green
0436-02RB07-0846   Armando Perez
 4 La Roca Juniors
Lauren Hill B U7 Royal
0436-02RB07-0882   Lauren Hill
 5 La Roca Juniors
Jeremy Harris B U7 Orange
0436-02RB07-0847   n/a
 6 La Roca Juniors
Cord Bailey B U7 White
0436-02RB07-0844   n/a